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Sentence Commutation and Clemency


"Much of the people that WAMI serves are currently incarcerated women who are ready to regain their freedom. "


Much of the people that WAMI serves are currently incarcerated women who are ready to regain their freedom. We keep in contact with incarcerated women and help them get access to the necessary legal advice or forms to apply for sentence modifications and commutations. If you know someone who is incarcerated and trying to have their sentence modified, please contact us. 


Connecticut has recently and unjustly cracked down on regulations regarding clemency, but WAMI has been instrumental in bringing incarcerated back home with our clemency work. Women do not belong in cages, and we are so proud of the women we’ve helped in the past with our compassionate release work. 


" Women do not belong in cages, and we are so proud of the women we’ve helped in the past with our compassionate release work. "

Our Work

  • Advised women to help them receive sentence modifications.

  • Kept in contact with women to ensure they are able to get the outcomes they deserve.

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